August 11


alone_road_by_carmendithions-d4qhwviIt is with great sadness that we need to share that MAF has decided to not proceed any further with our application.

Words simply can’t express how this feels and we are working through this news together as a couple and a family. The reasons they gave are confusing and honestly not accurate but sadly despite trying, there is no appeal process. We are going to take some time to regroup and process everything over the next month or so. We both still feel drawn to serve the Lord in this way and are exploring other avenues.

Please understand, we continue to believe in the mission and work that MAF does, even through our confusion over their decision. It’s clear that we are working through “the 7 stages of grief” right now, with both of us at their own point along that path.

We have also made many friends in MAF and are hoping those friendships will continue whether or not we are a member of MAF ourselves…

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Posted August 11, 2015 by Steve Morley in category "Application

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